April Review: A Guy's Review of a Novel not Written for Guys
Huntress Author: Julie Hall Publisher: Julie Hall RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A little background and disclaimer. Huntress is not a book I would...

March Book Review: Amish. Vampires. In Space?
Amish Vampires in Space Author: Kerry Nietz Publisher: Freeheads RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amish. Vampires. In Space? If the title alone doesn’t make...

February Book Review: Swords and Superpowers--What More Do You Need?
Mark of the Raven Author: Morgan L. Busse Publisher: Bethany House Publishers RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2 An inheritance is not always a blessing....

January Review: This story made my daughter throw the book across the room...twice!
A Time to Die Author: Nadine Brandes Publisher: Enclave Publishing RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ When your daughter says it’s her favorite book by her...

December Review: An creative fantasy you won't be able to put down!
The Story Peddler Author: Lindsay A. Franklin Publisher: Enclave Publishing RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Art has the power to change the world. In a...

When did we stop thinking?
Warning, I’ve got a burr in my saddle today. I am increasingly concerned about how much we allow others to do our thinking for us. It...

Joy After the Moment is Gone
I opened my eyes and sadness washed over me. I couldn’t believe it. Here we were, on a family vacation, and I lay in bed the following...

No More Excuses
“I’ll get to it later. I just don’t have time for that. No one’s is paying any attention anyway.” Excuses. All the above (and more) are...

“Just Throw the Frisbee!”
I can’t tell you how many times as a youth pastor, I led games among a group of teenagers. Some were goofy. Others were just plain dumb....

Star Wars and Novel Writing
Confession time: I love Star Wars. I guess that’s not much of a confession these days as geek-dom has become cool somehow (where was that...